AEA-Europe 2021 is the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Educational Assessment – Europe. AEA-Europe is the foremost association for all assessment professionals throughout Europe.
The theme for 2021 is: Assessment for Changing Times: Opportunities and Challenges.
MESSAGE FROM AEA-Europe President
Assessment for Changing Times: Opportunities and Challenges.
The theme of this year’s conference has probably never been more relevant. We are indeed living in changing times, and the pandemic has affected us all in many ways. It has certainly changed education and assessment, and brought challenges for students, teachers, schools and society, but as a consequence also led to creative solutions and innovation. In times like these, it is important to learn and move forward, and research as an important key drive for evidence-based decisions in policy and practice. This is our mission as an Association – to provide a platform for sharing knowledge, and to propose and discuss new ideas.
For AEA-Europe, it has been a time of change as well. In November 2020 we held the successful online AEA-Europe Festival instead of the annual on-site conference, to celebrate the Association and gather our members. In early 2021, we realised that the pandemic would not go away anytime soon, and that the on-site conference we had been hoping for would be too unsafe for our members and hosting country. It would also be financially very risky for the Association. It was decided that the 2021 Conference – the 22nd, counting last year’s Festival, would take place online, postponing the on-site meeting in Dublin yet another year. This time we decided to be bolder and have a full annual conference online, with all the presentation formats and also social activities that an annual AEA-Europe conference contains. And it was a good decision – we again have a full scientific programme with many interesting presentations and workshops.Read More
Latest News
01 November 2021: View the conference Digital Conference Bag (incl. Handbook and Book of Abstracts)
27 October 2021: Email to workshop participants has been sent out (please check your junk/spam folder)
26 October 2021: A general email has been sent out to registered
participants (please check your junk/spam folder) with information on the conference platform
25 October 2021: Checkout our Social Events Programme!
20 October 2021: Action required for Poster & Ignite Session presenters. Click here for more info
18 October 2021: Online Registration is now closed
07 September 2021: Early Registration deadline (10 September) is approaching. Register now!
29 July 2021: Program is now available
29 July 2021: Registration is now open
Important Dates
Main Conference:
3-5 November 2021
Pre-conference Workshops
2 November 2021
Acceptance Notification
June 30, 2021
Presenter Registration by
September 6, 2021
Online registration closes
October 18, 2021
A general email has been sent out to registered
participants (please check your junk/spam folder) with information on the conference platform
Click here for further information